Friday, April 4, 2014

Monkeying Around

I've always loved watching adults do the monkey bars in events like Tough Mudder and other obstacle courses, but since leaving primary school I've never had the upper body strength to do them myself. I have tried many times, but couldn't move one arm to the next bar.

Joining Crossfit last September I had a secret goal in my head to do the monkey bars again!

Yesterday I met my brother for a lovely lunch in a nearby town, then headed to the local park to walk my dog Neddie. On the walk I came across this set of monkey bars, which I have tried many times over the years, but no go.

So as per all my previous attempts I climbed up and grabbed onto the bar and tried to move one arm to the next bar, and in surprise I managed it and then fell to the ground. I tried again and something similar happened, but I was so wrapped that I managed to move one arm, that I tried a third time and managed to get all the way across. The next attempt the same thing happened, plus I got a little clap from a passerby, then completed one more crossing, for three times across. By now my hands were sore and red, so knew I wouldn't get a fourth one in. Absolutely made my day.

I was and still am bouncing with awe that I finally have the strength to do the monkey bars as an adult and I am also probably at my heavist weight too. I no longer own scales, so don't actually know what I weigh.

I can't wait to be back in the town to swing on the monkey bars again!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Yesterday was my third PT session and I was so so tired from not sleeping well the night before and then up at 3am for a 4am work start. I got through the session and enjoyed it all except the last little heart starter with the prowler sled.

Started with a warm up on the bike, then front squats for technique. I've been allowed to have my feet a little wider and this has helped me get deeper with my squats. In fact yesterday was the deepest I've ever gotten down and it felt good, although getting back up was tough. I was complimented on my straight back, which apparently is perfect for squatting, something I haven't been told before. I can't help, but wonder if all the mobilisation work I have been doing since I started Crossfit last September is helping with a lot of this stuff.

Next a combination of strict pull-ups and kipping pull-ups (with a band), then knee-ups. The knee-ups felt better then ever before. They were in between knee-ups and knees to chest, feet together, again felt good and was complimented on technique. I feel like I am finally starting to get stronger and get "stuff". I have started practising knee ups on my gym rings at home, which is probably helping as well.

To finish I got to use the prowler sled for the first time, run down and back pushing it. That really got the heart pumping and the thighs pumping. I'd be happy not use that one again, although I am wondering if I felt worse due to lack of sleep.

Murray Bridge Fun Run

Sunday 30th March was the Murray Bridge Fun Run, and I had encouraged my sister to enter the 5k with me. It was her first fun run, plus she'd had a baby only a couple of months ago. I always find it hard to run with someone else in a race. If I'm on my own I push really hard, but also run my own race, but with someone else I don't know how hard to run. In the end I think it worked well. We had a good talking pace for the first half and then really pushed hard for the second half which saw us come in at 39:07 mins.

The event was really well organised, cheap entry fees, free jumping castle and free 1km run for the kids. My two oldest nieces 5 and 3 (I think their ages are), entered the 1km run and did really well, with Dad running and encouraging them along. They had fun and were happy to do it, but thinking about it, 1km is a long way at that age. They all did really really well.

I caught up with a few other runners I knew and had a chat, it was just a beautiful day, fog in the morning with the sun coming out just before the run started. Good fun morning :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Whole Life Challenge

I have signed up for the Whole Life Challenge, which begins May 3. I have been keeping my eye out for the next challenge, as it looks like fun in a non deprivation way. The challenge goes for 8 weeks and each day you gain or lose points. If you eat treat foods you lose points, if you do 10 mins of mobilisation or 10 mins of exercise you gain points etc.

I think it will be a good fun way for me to get into the habit of stretching/mobilising daily and doing 10 mins of exercise daily, which I think will be walking the dog time.

I am also looking forward to focusing on making healthier, whole food choices every day!

Personal Training Session Number Two!

This morning I had my second personal training session, not sure how it would go, but it was really enjoyable. I was worried that I would not get to work towards all the Crossfit movements, since leaving my Crossfit box, but for this morning's 30 min session we covered the following:

- Kettlebell swings, worked my way up to a couple at 16kg's
- Lunges in between kettlebell swings
- Farmer carry walk with kettlebells
- Back squats
- Strict pull-ups
- Knees to chest
- Throwing a 36kg ball over my shoulders

I definitely felt like I had a workout when I left 30 mins later!

Last week I could only get the 36kg ball over the right shoulder twice, but happily got it over the left shoulder twice today, lots of grunting to get it up there, but I succeeded.

I am really glad to be back in weekly sessions again and looking forward to adding a second session sometime soon. Thinking I may have to wait until after my half marathon, but I will play it by ear.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

First Personal Training Session

Sadly I've decided to put my Crossfit Membership on hold for a few months until I work out my routine with my new work hours. I am finding the class times don't work for me anymore. 

I had a personal recommendation for a personal trainer with a Crossfit background.She works in 30 min blocks, which makes it affordable, with the goal to work up to two sessions a week.

Yesterday was a getting to know me session, we worked up through the weights for split jerks, which felt good, jumping on the bike in between each set, strict pull-ups and ball throws over the shoulder. I definitely got a solid workout within the 30 mins.

I love weight/strength training, Olympic lifts, pull-ups etc, so we are going to work more on these things and I can work on the cardio in my own time. Next session is next Wednesday morning before work.

In other news I have made the last minute decision to train and run the Great Ocean Road Half Marathon. This one has been on the horizon the last few years, but this is going to be the year to run it. I have 8 weeks left and my body is feeling good. The Crossfit training has really helped with my speed and fitness. I have a couple of other fun runs and maybe one or two big runs in sight for later this year.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Training For My Third Half Marathon

I have decided today, with 10 weeks to go, that I'm going to enter and run the Great Ocean Road marathon, which is actually 23km's, whereas the official half marathon distance is 21.1km's.

A friend asked me to go with free accommodation, so I'm going to run it, enjoy the view (entire run along the ocean), soak up the atmosphere and the experience with my friend/s.

I have also just purchased the Half Marathon Roadmap mostly because it is a plan for vegetarians, with food suggestions and also keen to see his training plan. I am going to have to modify all the distances as they are in miles and also start in week 3, as it is a 12 week program, but otherwise for $25 USD it looks good.

Tomorrow I will go for my first run in over a month. Hoping it goes well...

Open 14.1 Scaled

After two weeks off due to work, I was quite nervous about today's workout, which was a scaled version the Crossfit Open 14.1

AMRAP in 10mins:
  • 60 single skips
  • 15 power snatch (25/15)
I did it rx'd and finished I think 3 rounds + a few skips, but I can't remember my exact number of reps, although I know it was in the 200's. I was just happy to be back. 

I was amazed how hard the snatching was with the 15kg bar. I wasn't expecting it to be that hard, but thinking about it, I did do 45 snatches. The easy workouts are always harder then they look and the ones that look hard are sometimes not so bad. 

I was amazed that the skipping felt like a recovery, compared to the snatches, even if I did keep tripping over my feet as I got tired. I can see such an improvement in my cardio. I remember how hard I used to find skipping and now it feels a lot easier. I am hoping it won't be too long before I get my first double under.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

150 Unbroken Skips

Yesterday's WOD:

A) Bench Press
10, 5, 3, 1, 3, 5, 10
B) For time.
Buy – in: 100 DU
15, 12, 9
  • thruster (42.5/30)
  • pull ups
Cash out: 50 DU
I am really struggling with the change in shifts in my job, especially the early morning shift 4am - Noon, getting up at 3.10am. I have a couple of hours nap and then head to the box for the WOD at 5.30pm, but need to be in bed by about 7pm. I just feel exhausted. I am going to try open gym at 4.30pm and see if this works better. Just going to take a bit to get used to my hours.
Yesterday I really enjoyed the  bench press, but probably started too light at 15kg's, but worked up to a 1 rep of 45 kg's (happy with) and then worked back down to 25kg's, doing this weight for the 5 and 10 reps.
Part B was tough. I hadn't been to a workout for almost two weeks as I got my first cold in 18 months or so from my new job and wanted to take it easy, but all the 15kg bars were gone. I ended up using a 20kg bar for the first two rounds, but it was hard, my technique felt bad and I just felt a mess, so went down to 15kg for the last round as someone had finished. The pull-ups weren't any better, using red and green bands. The only positive was that for the first time I did 100 single skips unbroken and then finished with 50 unbroken single skips. I am wrapped, as normally I am tripping over my feet and the rope!
It was tough workout and I didn't even feel good afterwards, I was upset and stressed that I had to rush home and go to bed so I could try and get enough sleep. Just going to take some time for my body to get used to it!
Next week I am rostered on Noon - 8pm, so hopefully going to try and go to a couple of 6am morning WOD's and see how my body copes after finishing at 8pm. I am thinking that this way should be ok. Next week I would also like to try riding to work a couple of times and see how I feel.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pull Up Technique

Yesterday's WOD:

A) EMOM for 14
  • Evens: 5-10 “perfect” pull ups
    • Pick a number that you can do VERY easily and concentrate active shoulders for whole time, strong hollow and arch positions, feet together, explosive hip extension, etc…
  • Odds: 2 wall climbs
B) Mobility
  • Thoracic area, shoulders (ant. & post.) and traps

Yesterday's workout was all about taking our time and focusing on the technique of the kipping pull up. I decided on the green and red band and decided on 5 perfect pull ups. The funny thing was the more I thought about the pull ups, the harder they were to do, but once I just relaxed and stopped thinking I was able to do the kipping pull ups smoothly and quickly again.

I can't do wall climbs yet, although I was thinking of trying yesterday, but didn't, instead resorted to the pike on the box again. Definitely starting to feel stronger in the shoulder and core region.

The mobility work afterwards definitely felt good to release the shoulder, trap, thoracic area. I wanted to go to the WOD today, but once I saw burpee box jump overs I decided not to as my legs are still really sore from the squats on Monday and I am feeling exhausted from my 3.15am wake ups for my new job. All this combined could result in another fall from the box, which my confidence doesn't need at the moment. Hopefully I will go tomorrow Thursday for the technique session.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wall Ball Dislike...

Todays WOD:

A) Front squat
  • 5-5-5-5-5
  • 5 count lower to bottom of squat, 3 count pause at bottom, fast and explosive to top (do this with a partner to keep your count honest!)
B) AMRAP in 9mins:
  • 3 push press (55/35)
  • 3 wall balls (9/6)
  • 3 push press
  • 6 wall balls
  • Push press stays at 3, wall balls increase by 3 each time

I thought today's workout would be a good chance for me to practice wall balls, being that it was an AMRAP. We started with the front squats and I worked up to 25kg's, the last set was a killer, but at the same time felt like I was in a good deep position.  The last rep I thought I  was going to drop the bar. My left hand started with 4 fingers on the bar and ended up with one lone finger about to slip out.

I was deciding between 20 or 25 kg's for the push press, but settled on 20 kg's, which I was glad of because those wall balls really get the heart pumping. I used an 8kg ball and was really happy with my technique and I was able to hit the higher line for the first time, nearly each time. I worked up to 18 wall balls + 10 wall balls heading towards 21 and then once the buzzer went I collapsed on the floor. Amazing how some workouts just floor me.

I'm on a bit of a high at the moment at Crossfit as I'm seeing improvements at almost every session, which is really great, plus feeling/seeing visuals that my muscles are growing in my legs and arms or everywhere I guess...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

CJ and Snatching

Todays WOD:

A) 1RM Clean & jerk (20mins)
B) 1RM Snatch (20mins)
*Note: No more than 3 missed attempts at each lift!
I wasn't going to attend Saturday's session, but couldn't miss it when I saw we were doing the Clean and Jerk and Snatch. Given we'd only just completed one rep max's last Saturday for the Olympic Weight Lifting course, I wasn't expecting any PR's, but I was looking forward to working on the technique.

We paired up due to the large number of people attending and then jumped straight in. I know now that I didn't do enough for the warm-up for the clean and jerk, plus feeling sore from last nights workout. I found it tough to clean and jerk and I think a warm-up with lighter weights would of helped. I only got to 35kg's today, as I couldn't clean the 37.5kg, which is my PR and wasn't too fussed.

Next we moved onto the snatch and as my partner hadn't really done any Olympic lifting and I wasn't feeling strong, we decided to work on the technique for the snatch, rather then a 1RM. We stuck at 20 kg's and the coach told me to work on hanging out in the squat position of the snatch, with the weight overhead, to start getting me comfortable in the position. I also needed to work on not jumping my feet out so wide. I could feel myself making the small improvements during the class, which is what it is all about!

Feeling sore now in the shoulders, and hamstrings, which will be a combination of last nights class and today, but enjoying the feeling.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Death by Pull-ups

Today's WOD:

A) EMOM for 12mins
  • Evens: 6 bent over row, 4 romanian deadlift
  • Odds: ME KB swing (AHAP)
B) Death by pull ups (increasing by 2)
  • “Death by” is 1 rep in the 1st minute, 2 in the 2nd minute 3 in the 3rd minute, etc, keep going until you cannot get the work done in that minute. For this we will do 2 reps in the 1st min, 4 in the 2nd, 6 in the 3rd, etc
I found I needed to use a light weight for the bent over row to ensure I used the correct technique, so stuck with the 15kg barbell for both the row and deadlift. During the warm-up set of bent over rows I found my back was hurting. I spoke to the coach and he told me I needed to bend my knees more and I found my back no longer hurt. The benefits of having a coach.

We were advised to go up a heavier weight for the kettlebell swings, than what we normally use, but the 16kg felt too heavy. I decided to grab the 16kg and the 12kg and on the walk back to my spot I mentioned to the coach I didn't think I would swing it, but he said to give it a try. The first few swings felt awkward, but in the end I got about 9 done each round, before stopping. 

When I started Crossfit beginning of September, I couldn't swing the 8kg kettlebell any higher then shoulder height, now I can swing the 16kg above shoulder height... Woohoo improvements are so great!

Next onto death by pull-ups. The coach said pick bands that you can do 5 pull-ups with, so I decided to go with the blue and orange. The first few rounds were easy, but by the time I got to 5 mins and 10 pull-ups, everything was starting to shake. I ended up finishing 12 pull-ups, plus 3 in the 7th minute. Again incredibly happy!

I love sessions like tonight, where it is fun and clear improvements made!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

38 Degree Midday WOD

I was meant to start my new job today, but they postponed it until tomorrow, this gave me a chance to head to the box for the Noon class.

Todays WOD:

Power clean
  • 2 x 5reps @ 40%,
  • 2 x 5reps @ 50%,
  • 2 x 5reps @ 60%
B) 5 rounds for time:
  • 9 HR burpees
  • 6 C2B pull up
  • 3 thruster (50/35)
  • Rest 1min
*note: Continuous movement throughout the working period is the aim here. Scale as needed to stay on the move for the entirety of EVERY round!

Our box isn't air-conditioned, we have fans, but it was hot. The heat made the entire WOD today tough!

I am starting to enjoy power cleans, feeling like I am starting to get the technique. My one rep max is 37.5kg for the cleans. I started using the 15kg bar, next round at 19kg's and third round at 23kg's. The last couple of sets of 23kg's were tough as I was dripping sweat and so hot, but the coach was happy with my technique!

I wasn't looking forward to part B in the workout, but I don't think about it too much, just start, then keep working. The first couple of sets were tough mentally, but once I was onto the third round, I knew I was over half way.

I still do step-up burpees, I really want to do real burpees, but don't seem to have the flexibility, core strength or confidence. It also means in any games I will come last due to my scaling.

For the chest to bar I used the blue and red band and managed to get my chest to the bar each time, except for when I gave myself one no rep. That was my first time of doing chest to bars.

For the thrusters I used a 15kg bar, I could of done 20kg's, but in the heat I just wanted to finish. I ended up with a time of around 12 mins something.

I found once I was finished due to the heat I couldn't think, there was no relief, but I was glad I completed the WOD.

I am so not a summer girl, I love winter with everything green and good temperatures for gardening, or running or doing anything really. The only bad thing about winter are the shorter daylight hours.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Australia Day Public Holiday WOD

Today's WOD was:
Back squat
  • Warm up: 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5 (10mins)
  • Working: 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 85% x ME (15mins)
B) For time
    • 20-16-12-8-4 T2B
    • 4-8-12-16-20 squat
I really enjoyed today's WOD and worked with a partner for the back squatting. We started with a 15kg barbell for the warm-up, adding 5kg each set, finishing with 30kg, then for the working set, we again increased by 5kg each set, up to 40kg's and a max effort of 16 reps.

For B) I did knee ups instead of toes to bar and the squats were air squats for everyone. I found this reasonably easy, finishing second in around 3:21 mins. I am thinking I need to find out what the next scaling option is towards toes to bar to make it a little harder, but it is fun to do easier WOD's sometimes :)  

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Olympic Lifting Course - Session 6

Today was our last session of the Olympic Lifting Course, I missed Thursdays session as I went for a mini break to Mount Gambier instead, before I head back to work next week.

I haven't been to Crossfit since last Saturday, I was so sore after the two workouts and then I had to dig a huge hole in the backyard to find a water leak, so did my own dig a hole WOD over a couple of days.

So today was all about finding our 1RPM for the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. I was nervous after missing Thursday's session, but worked up to 25kg for the Snatch in 2.5kg increments. At the 25kg mark I didn't feel like I had good form. I did three reps at that weight and the last one felt the strongest and the coach gave it to me.

I was impressed with my ability to lift a lot more weight with the Clean and Jerk, especially as the first time I learnt the technique I was scared of it. Again I went up in 2.5kg increments until I tried for 40kg's and I found I just couldn't clean this weight, nevertheless I was happy to Clean and Jerk 37.5kg's and it felt good and strong!

I have really gained so much from the Olympic Lifting Course, my technique feels so much better, I just need to try and remember all the little things. He is hoping to run another course during the school holidays in April, so I hope with work I will be able to make it.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Olympic Lifting Course - Session 3 + 4 and Angie

Adelaide has just experienced a week long heatwave and on Thursday, Adelaide happened to be the hottest place in the world. This just happened to be the next day of the Olympic Lifting Course. It was great to continue working on the techniques, but I worked slowly and with light weight and the sweat was dripping off us. It was nice to finish with a nice cool zooper dooper (icy pole).

Today was our 4th session of the Olympic Lifting Course and we worked on our snatches and clean and jerk technique. After a couple of warm up sets, the lifts started to feel good, I mostly need to work on shrugging at the moment. I don't seem to know how to incorporate the shrug yet, it doesn't feel right, but I'm sure it will come.  It's strange, when the coach gives me lots of tips I feel like I have so much to work on, but when he doesn't give me lots of tips I wonder why, does that mean I am mostly doing it ok?

I am looking forward to the next two sessions, but sad when it is over, I will definitely do another one if I can.

So I tried to sneak out after today's 1 hr olympic lifting session, but people kept encouraging me to stay for the Angie WOD, so decided to stay.

I scaled the workout to half the reps, so did 50 of each. I used a blue and red band for the pull-ups and I found my hands and legs were shaking. Towards the end of the 50 reps I struggled to knock out more then 2 or 3 at a time.

Next were the push-ups and I scaled to knee push-ups, but these were the hardest part of the whole workout, I just don't seem to have the arm strength at the moment for push-ups and my technique I know was bad.

Next were the sit-ups and squats and these were easily doable. I actually finished first with 16:21 I think it was, so definitely could of scaled to 75 reps of each, but at least I have a baseline now.

It was great to be back, as I avoid the box during the extreme heat.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Strength Wraps - Review

I recently bought a pair of strength wraps in hot pink from The WOD Life, which is a South Australian company with fantastic service and quick postage. I highly recommend using for any of your crossfit supplies :)

So the wraps arrived and they looked great, but I didn't understand how they could work. I would take the wraps to crossfit with me, but never use. That was until one day I was doing front squats and as the weight got heavier, my right wrist really started to hurt, so I decided to try out the strength wraps. I put the strength wraps on and with the next squat there was no pain in my wrist at all. I now use them regularly for most weight lifting.

Have you tried strength wraps and what colour or pattern?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Olympic Lifting Course - Session Two

Today's session was again lots of fun, but sleepy and sore now, with a slight bruise on my collarbone and a hook grip sore...

We did four techniques:
Power Clean
Push Press
Push Jerk
Front Squats

Power cleans felt much better this time, started working up to about 25 kg's, but my technique started to slip, so dropped back to the 15kg bar.

2 x Push Press + 1 x Push Jerk
I found with the push press I wasn't raising high enough on my toes, the push jerk I needed to practice landing quickly straight on my heels, rather then on the toes. Started to feel like I was getting this movement and went up to 20 kgs.

Squatting would have to be one of the movements I really dislike, mostly because I can't do them and it doesn't feel good. Stuck with 20kgs and just focussed on staying upright and going as deep as I could.

We finished with a stretch for the hamstrings, which is similar to a good morning, but instead of bouncing back up, you slowly come up.

I am really enjoying the Olympic lifting technique sessions. I , am going to try and go in for open gym, probably Tuesday to practice these moves before our Thursday session.

I was investigating a 15kg barbell for home, but didn't realise how expensive they are. I will keep my eye out for a secondhand one I think.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Olympic Lifting Course - Session One

Last night was our first session of the Olympic Lifting Course with Max Dal Santo, six sessions over 3 weeks.

It was hot in the box last night, sweat dripping off me as we worked through three different techniques for snatching. I always find there is so much to think about and it feels awkward and strange. I get nervous performing the moves whilst being watched/coached, wanting to try and do everything suggested perfectly...

We went through the Power Snatch, Snatch Balance and I don't remember the name of the third technique, but we lifted the bar from below the knee to above the knee, paused and repeated, using our legs only. 

I used a 15kg bar for all techniques and I was amazed at how sore my arms and upper back were getting during the power snatching.

The snatch balance really showed my weakness in squatting and that I can't do overhead squats yet!

The third technique really burns the quads.

I really enjoyed last night and I am looking forward to the second session Saturday morning.

Monday, January 6, 2014

120 Box Jumps

Today's WOD:

A) Push jerk
  • 5-5-5-5-5 + ME @ 85% of last set
B) 4 x AMRAP in 3mins (resting 3mins between):
  • 15 box jump (60/50)
  • 7 dip

Last night when the WOD was posted, my immediate thought was that sadly I'd have to skip todays WOD due to the box jump component, but my friends advice of just keep turning up, and all the Crossfit articles that tell us not the cherry pick WODS, kept coming up in my thoughts. I decided I would go and do step ups if I couldn't face the box jumps.

This morning I kept thinking about the box jumps and the fact that I know I can do them. It is only my fear of falling that's stopping me, so I reminded myself when I did fall it didn't hurt much and didn't do any damage, even though it was an impressive stack.

I googled videos on box jumping technique and mentally prepared myself to do the box jumps knowing it was an AMRAP workout and I could take my time, but still nervous.

I worked up to a weight of 22.5 kg's with the push jerk focusing on technique rather then lifting a heavy weight. I am finding I go to wide with my feet in the squat at the moment, something to work on.

Next was the AMRAP, my first few sets of box jumps (40cm box) were slow and hesitant, making sure I lifted my feet high enough each time, but by the last few I was jumping quicker, but still making sure in my fatigued state I lifted my feet high enough.

The dips I did between two boxes and found these reasonably easy, I wanted to focus on rebuilding my confidence with the box jumps.

Results below:

AMRAP 1 - 2 rounds
AMRAP 2 - 2 rounds
AMRAP 3 - 1 round + 15 box jumps
AMRAP 4 - 2 rounds

I might of had a couple of tears of happiness whilst I watched the second group finish off, at the realisation I'd completed 120 box jumps, when I was originally thinking about doing step ups or not showing up at all!

Crossfit is definitely teaching me the power of my mind...

Friday, January 3, 2014

Below Parallel Squatting

Today's workout was:

A) Front squat
  • 5-5-5-5-5 + ME @ 85% of last set
B) 4 rounds for time:
  • 30 air squat
  • Run 200m
  • 10 KB push press each arm (24/16)
  • Run 200m
Today I decided to focus on technique and getting below parallel in my squats, so kept the weight low. The first couple of rounds I completed with the 15kg barbell, with squats deeps and good technique, so upped the weight to 20 kg, then 22.5kg, with the heavier weight allowing me to get deeper in the squat. My final round was with 25 kgs.

I am starting to see improvements in my squats and my ability to get below parallel, it has taken about 4 months and I do a lot of ankle, hip mobility which seems to be working. Squatting seems to be such an important part of Crossfit.

The second workout for the day didn't look too bad, but like many of the simple workouts was quite a killer. I took my time with the 30 air squats to ensure good technique and to ensure I was going below parallel. The squats felt really good and deep for the first time since starting Crossfit.

The 200m run was next and it was interesting to observe my thoughts as they changed during each round. The first round of runs I was concerned about how slow I was and how long I would finish after everyone else, but I always work on changing these thoughts to more positive ones and telling myself that I can do this and coming last doesn't matter.

The second round of runs was again hard and I was giving myself pep talks, but the third and fourth runs were fine as I knew I was over half way and could get through the workout.

I used the 8kg kettlebell for the push presses as it was the first time I had done this move. These were probably the easiest part of the workout, once I got the push part sorted.

I did come last by quite a bit, but the support everyone offered was wonderful. I had two people run the last 200m with me, supporting me to up the pace for the last run and to finish with a sprint to the end. It is this kind of support that makes Crossfit so wonderful. It was another tough workout, but I always love the way my body and mind feels afterwards. Some days I go to Crossfit in a down mood due to little things, but after a workout I can always go about my day in a better frame of mind.

We were discussing the 56k Yurrebilla Trail Run, which is held in September each year and the coach asked if I would still like to run it, as he knew I was training for it last year, but I wasn't ready. I definitely would and he is going to help me get there, plus I want to get back out for trail runs during the year. It was exciting to start talking about upcoming runs entering them.

I may be running 17-18k on Sunday in the Summit to Sea free run, but it depends if a place opens up the bus. I'm on the waiting list so we will see.  I haven't done any long runs in months, but feel fitter than a long time, so happy to walk / run it and see how I go.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 - Crossfit How I Missed Thee...

Our box closed for about a week over Christmas/New Year and felt like forever. I was so excited to get back to the box today for the first WOD of the year.

Today's workout was:

A) 3 x 400m ME row

B) AMRAP in 10mins
  • 7 deadlift
  • 7 power cleans
  • 7 front squat
  • 7 push press
Who would think four minutes of total work could make you feel exhausted, wobbly legs and weak, but that was what happened after 3 x 400 metre max effort rows.

We had three people to a rower, so got a few minutes rest between each row. I haven't spent much time on the rowers, so was rather pleased with my first time of 1:33, next time of 1:38 and I don't remember my third row time.

After the last row I struggled to get off the rower or even stand, my legs were like jelly and I was exhausted and it was only four minutes total work. Amazing the power of Crossfit and having the coach and peers encouraging to keep working hard and to dig deep right towards the end. I would never push that hard on my own.

After the rows I had no idea how I was going to complete the AMRAP. We had earlier completed a warm up of the movements. I used a 15kg bar, which felt fine during the warmup, but after the rowing, the bar was very heavy, especially trying to squat and push press. I looked for the 7kg bars, but they were both taken, so I committed to chipping away for the 10 minutes with the 15kg bar.

The deadlifts and power hang cleans were easy, but the squats and push presses were tough, with lots of breaks in the 10 minutes I managed four rounds, which I was happy with.

I was absolutely exhausted and drained, but it felt so good to be alive and back at Crossfit!