Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pull Up Technique

Yesterday's WOD:

A) EMOM for 14
  • Evens: 5-10 “perfect” pull ups
    • Pick a number that you can do VERY easily and concentrate active shoulders for whole time, strong hollow and arch positions, feet together, explosive hip extension, etc…
  • Odds: 2 wall climbs
B) Mobility
  • Thoracic area, shoulders (ant. & post.) and traps

Yesterday's workout was all about taking our time and focusing on the technique of the kipping pull up. I decided on the green and red band and decided on 5 perfect pull ups. The funny thing was the more I thought about the pull ups, the harder they were to do, but once I just relaxed and stopped thinking I was able to do the kipping pull ups smoothly and quickly again.

I can't do wall climbs yet, although I was thinking of trying yesterday, but didn't, instead resorted to the pike on the box again. Definitely starting to feel stronger in the shoulder and core region.

The mobility work afterwards definitely felt good to release the shoulder, trap, thoracic area. I wanted to go to the WOD today, but once I saw burpee box jump overs I decided not to as my legs are still really sore from the squats on Monday and I am feeling exhausted from my 3.15am wake ups for my new job. All this combined could result in another fall from the box, which my confidence doesn't need at the moment. Hopefully I will go tomorrow Thursday for the technique session.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great WOD, a great opportunity to work on technique which I love.

    It is great that you listen to your body and have a break when you are tired. I find that some movements (like box jumps) really need all my focus.
