Tuesday, February 18, 2014

150 Unbroken Skips

Yesterday's WOD:

A) Bench Press
10, 5, 3, 1, 3, 5, 10
B) For time.
Buy – in: 100 DU
15, 12, 9
  • thruster (42.5/30)
  • pull ups
Cash out: 50 DU
I am really struggling with the change in shifts in my job, especially the early morning shift 4am - Noon, getting up at 3.10am. I have a couple of hours nap and then head to the box for the WOD at 5.30pm, but need to be in bed by about 7pm. I just feel exhausted. I am going to try open gym at 4.30pm and see if this works better. Just going to take a bit to get used to my hours.
Yesterday I really enjoyed the  bench press, but probably started too light at 15kg's, but worked up to a 1 rep of 45 kg's (happy with) and then worked back down to 25kg's, doing this weight for the 5 and 10 reps.
Part B was tough. I hadn't been to a workout for almost two weeks as I got my first cold in 18 months or so from my new job and wanted to take it easy, but all the 15kg bars were gone. I ended up using a 20kg bar for the first two rounds, but it was hard, my technique felt bad and I just felt a mess, so went down to 15kg for the last round as someone had finished. The pull-ups weren't any better, using red and green bands. The only positive was that for the first time I did 100 single skips unbroken and then finished with 50 unbroken single skips. I am wrapped, as normally I am tripping over my feet and the rope!
It was tough workout and I didn't even feel good afterwards, I was upset and stressed that I had to rush home and go to bed so I could try and get enough sleep. Just going to take some time for my body to get used to it!
Next week I am rostered on Noon - 8pm, so hopefully going to try and go to a couple of 6am morning WOD's and see how my body copes after finishing at 8pm. I am thinking that this way should be ok. Next week I would also like to try riding to work a couple of times and see how I feel.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pull Up Technique

Yesterday's WOD:

A) EMOM for 14
  • Evens: 5-10 “perfect” pull ups
    • Pick a number that you can do VERY easily and concentrate active shoulders for whole time, strong hollow and arch positions, feet together, explosive hip extension, etc…
  • Odds: 2 wall climbs
B) Mobility
  • Thoracic area, shoulders (ant. & post.) and traps

Yesterday's workout was all about taking our time and focusing on the technique of the kipping pull up. I decided on the green and red band and decided on 5 perfect pull ups. The funny thing was the more I thought about the pull ups, the harder they were to do, but once I just relaxed and stopped thinking I was able to do the kipping pull ups smoothly and quickly again.

I can't do wall climbs yet, although I was thinking of trying yesterday, but didn't, instead resorted to the pike on the box again. Definitely starting to feel stronger in the shoulder and core region.

The mobility work afterwards definitely felt good to release the shoulder, trap, thoracic area. I wanted to go to the WOD today, but once I saw burpee box jump overs I decided not to as my legs are still really sore from the squats on Monday and I am feeling exhausted from my 3.15am wake ups for my new job. All this combined could result in another fall from the box, which my confidence doesn't need at the moment. Hopefully I will go tomorrow Thursday for the technique session.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wall Ball Dislike...

Todays WOD:

A) Front squat
  • 5-5-5-5-5
  • 5 count lower to bottom of squat, 3 count pause at bottom, fast and explosive to top (do this with a partner to keep your count honest!)
B) AMRAP in 9mins:
  • 3 push press (55/35)
  • 3 wall balls (9/6)
  • 3 push press
  • 6 wall balls
  • Push press stays at 3, wall balls increase by 3 each time

I thought today's workout would be a good chance for me to practice wall balls, being that it was an AMRAP. We started with the front squats and I worked up to 25kg's, the last set was a killer, but at the same time felt like I was in a good deep position.  The last rep I thought I  was going to drop the bar. My left hand started with 4 fingers on the bar and ended up with one lone finger about to slip out.

I was deciding between 20 or 25 kg's for the push press, but settled on 20 kg's, which I was glad of because those wall balls really get the heart pumping. I used an 8kg ball and was really happy with my technique and I was able to hit the higher line for the first time, nearly each time. I worked up to 18 wall balls + 10 wall balls heading towards 21 and then once the buzzer went I collapsed on the floor. Amazing how some workouts just floor me.

I'm on a bit of a high at the moment at Crossfit as I'm seeing improvements at almost every session, which is really great, plus feeling/seeing visuals that my muscles are growing in my legs and arms or everywhere I guess...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

CJ and Snatching

Todays WOD:

A) 1RM Clean & jerk (20mins)
B) 1RM Snatch (20mins)
*Note: No more than 3 missed attempts at each lift!
I wasn't going to attend Saturday's session, but couldn't miss it when I saw we were doing the Clean and Jerk and Snatch. Given we'd only just completed one rep max's last Saturday for the Olympic Weight Lifting course, I wasn't expecting any PR's, but I was looking forward to working on the technique.

We paired up due to the large number of people attending and then jumped straight in. I know now that I didn't do enough for the warm-up for the clean and jerk, plus feeling sore from last nights workout. I found it tough to clean and jerk and I think a warm-up with lighter weights would of helped. I only got to 35kg's today, as I couldn't clean the 37.5kg, which is my PR and wasn't too fussed.

Next we moved onto the snatch and as my partner hadn't really done any Olympic lifting and I wasn't feeling strong, we decided to work on the technique for the snatch, rather then a 1RM. We stuck at 20 kg's and the coach told me to work on hanging out in the squat position of the snatch, with the weight overhead, to start getting me comfortable in the position. I also needed to work on not jumping my feet out so wide. I could feel myself making the small improvements during the class, which is what it is all about!

Feeling sore now in the shoulders, and hamstrings, which will be a combination of last nights class and today, but enjoying the feeling.