Saturday, January 11, 2014

Olympic Lifting Course - Session Two

Today's session was again lots of fun, but sleepy and sore now, with a slight bruise on my collarbone and a hook grip sore...

We did four techniques:
Power Clean
Push Press
Push Jerk
Front Squats

Power cleans felt much better this time, started working up to about 25 kg's, but my technique started to slip, so dropped back to the 15kg bar.

2 x Push Press + 1 x Push Jerk
I found with the push press I wasn't raising high enough on my toes, the push jerk I needed to practice landing quickly straight on my heels, rather then on the toes. Started to feel like I was getting this movement and went up to 20 kgs.

Squatting would have to be one of the movements I really dislike, mostly because I can't do them and it doesn't feel good. Stuck with 20kgs and just focussed on staying upright and going as deep as I could.

We finished with a stretch for the hamstrings, which is similar to a good morning, but instead of bouncing back up, you slowly come up.

I am really enjoying the Olympic lifting technique sessions. I , am going to try and go in for open gym, probably Tuesday to practice these moves before our Thursday session.

I was investigating a 15kg barbell for home, but didn't realise how expensive they are. I will keep my eye out for a secondhand one I think.


  1. I would love to do a lifting course. My box is starting up lifting sessions but it will be at a time that is inconvenient to me :(

  2. That's disappointing you won't be able to make it :(
