Saturday, March 1, 2014

Open 14.1 Scaled

After two weeks off due to work, I was quite nervous about today's workout, which was a scaled version the Crossfit Open 14.1

AMRAP in 10mins:
  • 60 single skips
  • 15 power snatch (25/15)
I did it rx'd and finished I think 3 rounds + a few skips, but I can't remember my exact number of reps, although I know it was in the 200's. I was just happy to be back. 

I was amazed how hard the snatching was with the 15kg bar. I wasn't expecting it to be that hard, but thinking about it, I did do 45 snatches. The easy workouts are always harder then they look and the ones that look hard are sometimes not so bad. 

I was amazed that the skipping felt like a recovery, compared to the snatches, even if I did keep tripping over my feet as I got tired. I can see such an improvement in my cardio. I remember how hard I used to find skipping and now it feels a lot easier. I am hoping it won't be too long before I get my first double under.

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