A) Front squat
- 5-5-5-5-5
- 5 count lower to bottom of squat, 3 count pause at bottom, fast and explosive to top (do this with a partner to keep your count honest!)
B) AMRAP in 9mins:
- 3 push press (55/35)
- 3 wall balls (9/6)
- 3 push press
- 6 wall balls
- Push press stays at 3, wall balls increase by 3 each time
I thought today's workout would be a good chance for me to practice wall balls, being that it was an AMRAP. We started with the front squats and I worked up to 25kg's, the last set was a killer, but at the same time felt like I was in a good deep position. The last rep I thought I was going to drop the bar. My left hand started with 4 fingers on the bar and ended up with one lone finger about to slip out.
I was deciding between 20 or 25 kg's for the push press, but settled on 20 kg's, which I was glad of because those wall balls really get the heart pumping. I used an 8kg ball and was really happy with my technique and I was able to hit the higher line for the first time, nearly each time. I worked up to 18 wall balls + 10 wall balls heading towards 21 and then once the buzzer went I collapsed on the floor. Amazing how some workouts just floor me.
I'm on a bit of a high at the moment at Crossfit as I'm seeing improvements at almost every session, which is really great, plus feeling/seeing visuals that my muscles are growing in my legs and arms or everywhere I guess...
I'm not a fan of wall balls either ... they absolutely trash me.