Sunday, December 15, 2013

Inaugural Hilltop Crossfit Games

Yesterday, Saturday 14th December was the Inaugural Hilltop Crossfit Games and I had entered nervously in the scaled/masters female category.

The WOD's were slowly announced during the week, with the final bits of the chipper workout not  announced until Saturday morning.

It ended up looking like this (copied from here):

AMRAP in 6mins of:
  • 5 Cal row
  • 5 thrusters (42.5/30/20)
  • 10 cal row – 10 thrusters
  • Keep adding 5 cals/reps
Clean Ladder – 30sec to lift
  • Scaled Female: 30 – 55kg
  • Scaled Male: 45 – 65kg
  • Open Female: 45 – 70kg
  • Open Male: 50 – 100kg
  • If clean is failed or last weight cleaned successfully, perform AMRAP of deadlift in remaining “lift” time
For time complete:
  • 200/100m plate carry (20/15/10)
  • 2o burpee box touch box jump over (60/50/40)
  • 20 KB swing (24/16/12)
  • 20m OH walking lunge (20/15/10)
  • 20 T2B/knee raises
  • 20m pinch plate carry (20/15/10)
  • 20 Shoulder to OH (50/35/20)
  • 10m Front rack walking lunge (50/35/20)
WOD 1 and 3 were incredibly tough, but I found out later from my coach, that every one of my thrusters were below parallel in the squat for the first time ever. It is so great to hear feedback and see the small improvements I am making.

I came 5th in WOD 1, but only just, those 20kg thrusters were tough, but a personal record (PR) for me.

WOD 2, the clean event was my favourite event and I came 4th in this one, again only just, by one deadlift. Another PR for me with a successful clean of 35kgs.

WOD 3 was by far the toughest event and I was very nervous about all the lunges, but in the end it was the box jumps that scared me the most after the spectacular stack I had the week before on box jumps. Nevertheless I got the 20 burpee box jumps completed, kettlebell swings, then came the 10kg overhead lunges, tough, very tough, but got them done with lots of breaks! Next came the knee raises, which was the easiest part of the whole WOD and the pinch plate carry wasn't bad either. The shoulder press of 20kg was tough after the thrusters earlier that morning in WOD 1, but I got 10 done before the time cap of 10 mins was reached. I came last in this event, but I was just happy to finish!

Overall I finished in 5th place out of 6 competitors, which was quite a nice surprise, but also the whole day was made up of PR's so the placing didn't matter.

The judges I had were amazing, supporting me through the tough WOD's, plus the support of the other competitors and the coaches. The support in the box is amazing, no matter where you are placing everyone cheers you on and supports you!

I enjoyed watching and supporting the other groups, you could see everyone was doing it tough and working hard and again so many PR's were made. The atmosphere was just amazing...

Things I need to work on more then all the other things is overcoming my fear of box jumps so I can knock them out faster and my mental thought process. Rather then telling myself I can't do something, I need to have a more positive inner voice.

There are plans to do run another Hilltop Crossfit Games in 6 months time and as much as yesterday hurt, I am sure I will sign up again.

To finish off the day nicely we had an all you could eat pizza night out at a cafe...

Crossfit really is changing my life in such an amazing way and I am becoming fitter and stronger...

1 comment:

  1. They sound like great WODs albeit tough ones.

    You are doing so well at Crossfit! Well done!
