A) EMOM for 12mins
- Evens: 6 bent over row, 4 romanian deadlift
- Odds: ME KB swing (AHAP)
B) Death by pull ups (increasing by 2)
- “Death by” is 1 rep in the 1st minute, 2 in the 2nd minute 3 in the 3rd minute, etc, keep going until you cannot get the work done in that minute. For this we will do 2 reps in the 1st min, 4 in the 2nd, 6 in the 3rd, etc
I found I needed to use a light weight for the bent over row to ensure I used the correct technique, so stuck with the 15kg barbell for both the row and deadlift. During the warm-up set of bent over rows I found my back was hurting. I spoke to the coach and he told me I needed to bend my knees more and I found my back no longer hurt. The benefits of having a coach.
We were advised to go up a heavier weight for the kettlebell swings, than what we normally use, but the 16kg felt too heavy. I decided to grab the 16kg and the 12kg and on the walk back to my spot I mentioned to the coach I didn't think I would swing it, but he said to give it a try. The first few swings felt awkward, but in the end I got about 9 done each round, before stopping.
When I started Crossfit beginning of September, I couldn't swing the 8kg kettlebell any higher then shoulder height, now I can swing the 16kg above shoulder height... Woohoo improvements are so great!
Next onto death by pull-ups. The coach said pick bands that you can do 5 pull-ups with, so I decided to go with the blue and orange. The first few rounds were easy, but by the time I got to 5 mins and 10 pull-ups, everything was starting to shake. I ended up finishing 12 pull-ups, plus 3 in the 7th minute. Again incredibly happy!
I love sessions like tonight, where it is fun and clear improvements made!